youTubeify by blogHeard, soley at their discretion, may or may not accept your request to have your Pinterest board turned into a youTube video. Material that is pornographic or obviously offensive should not be submitted for rendering. Promotional credits may be removed at any time. Purchased credits expire after 365 days and may be rolled over on request. Turn times (how long it takes us to make your youTube video) will obviously depend on the size of your board (how large the images are and how many images there are) and server availability. Priority will be given to video maker jobs using purchased credits (purchased credits represent real money and so gets you added ahead of jobs using promotional credits in the video maker queue). You must own the copyright or have the necessary rights for any content you upload.
What is copyright? Copyright is a form of protection provided for original works of authorship, including literary, dramatic, musical, graphic and audiovisual creations. "Copyright" literally means the right to copy, but has come to mean that body of exclusive rights granted by law to copyright owners for protection of their work.
What is copyright infringement? Copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is reproduced, distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or made into a derivative work without the permission of the copyright owner.
Posting copyright-infringing content can lead to the termination of your account, and possibly monetary damages if a copyright owner decides to take legal action (this is serious you can get sued!).
As a general matter, we at blogHeard respect the rights of artists and creators, and hope you will work with us to keep our community a creative, legal and positive experience for everyone, including artists and creators.